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Age: 202
Location: Often, Muriel Park
Occupation: Warrior

A plain, nondescript little book.

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Water, quiet, freindly faces.
Being cryptic


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Some Poetry (now working)

Friday, 27 June 2008
Ah, finally a relatively quiet day. With only the occasional, more routine raids we all had a chance to take care of more normal business for a change. Before I get more specific about today, I suppose I should back up a little, since I have not written in a while. I will not go into the specifics, or try to give a minute by minute report of the events. Although the purpose of writing is to have it remembered in the future, I feel like it has all been rehashed often enough already to the point that I do not really feel like doing it again. So, in condensed version, the story is this. Balthazar began a more aggressive push against us. Pieces of Kilican, Branishor and the enchanter’s nexus have been destroyed or placed in blackness. There were clues that it was coming that we did not take seriously enough, and there have been clues left during these dark days of war. Notes have been nailed to doors, and one just happened to be passed to me personally by Karl, the tender of Ferdinand, after I killed a demon near his pen. I sure got plenty of attention for a few marcs after that happened. Dal was not in the nexus when the darkness made part of it unusable. He had died shortly before while trying to help defend it and was at a LM when it happened. He returned just in time to hear Miranda speak words of encouragement to those in the nexus, and place a portal to Dundee there so they would not be stuck. Nor would anyone who mistakenly went to the nexus in the future be stuck. Dal spent quite a while after that in a quiet place on Blessed property getting himself together. I do not blame him, it must have been a traumatic experience. Speaking of such, Izzy saw the Dark Lord himself. She was cursed and for a time could not stop looking over her shoulder. I was as warm and patient as I knew how to be, only being a simple warrior. She appears now to be doing much better, but like I said, things have been quiet lately. So today, with time to actually train, I was able to level to 40. I picked up a couple new pieces of equipment as a reward to myself. Zandor tried to convince me to let him help me get to Ethucan and buy new sandals, and the armor I will need the next time I level. I told him I would feel better about getting it done having done it myself. I did say we would discuss it more later. We shall see. I do want to mention as well that recent events have made me realize how fragile a world can be. We lose people, and we grieve. But what does one do when we lose places? Places that we have become used to being, or visiting, or viewing as part of the landscape. What do we do when they are destroyed, taken from us? I have heard that such things have happened in other realms as well. Evil has been bent on wearing down the will of those who support light, and goodness, and freedom. In my case, there is no way evil can succeed in blackening my heart, denting my resolve, reducing my will. I know what I do when evil tries to take away my world. I stop each time I am in the vicinity of where the tower used to be, and I look up, and I remember. I remember why I fight. I remember why Balthazar and his minions need to not only be stopped, but need to be destroyed. I remember why I am here. I remember, and then I move on.
Gar Windgust

Monday, 23 June 2008
Yes, the losses were significant compared to what we have grown to expect from the Dark Lord’s raids. However, I can not help but wonder what his true objective is. The parchment read, “Kilican first.”, or so I was told. I did not see it myself. That would imply that he intends to take more. I listened in on many a conversation on the subject, so I have heard a good many opinions bantered about. It is commonly believed we have not seen the last of this new tactic that foul malignance has shown us. Many a good adventurer fought long odds as well as vile horrors in an attempt to protect what is ours. I was around for all the clues. I was privy to conversations about the advance scout at the LM taking notes, it was evident that something was amiss. And yet I simply expected the normal handful of minions to raid and felt I would get there when it happened, if I could. Too many of us have become lax and indifferent to the threat of evil in this realm and I am listed among them. I will not fall victim to my own apathy again. He took away part of the lands I have sworn to protect. He cursed someone I love and terrorized her and others for his own pleasure. I vow renewed vigilance from now on.
Gar Windgust

Sunday, 15 June 2008
Things are slow and a little boring lately. I leveled a couple of evenings ago, and Dal leveled earlier today. It becomes increasingly more difficult to find places to train and we grow weary of the task. We spend so little time out and about we are losing touch with those who have not already lost touch with us. I am saddened by the absence of so many. Even the ever warming and loving presence of my Lady Izzy, and the triumphant return of my mentor and leader Zandor Kree, is sometimes barely enough to draw me out into the light. I need to find more incentive, and I am beginning to run out of places to look.

Friday, 06 June 2008
It seems that each bit of good news has a tinge of bad imbedded in it. In general terms, we have broadened our horizons, we have let more and more people into our lives and put ourselves in positions where we are respected and counted on. So now, what used to be such precious little time anyway is divided into three or four times as many directions and no one seems to get enough of either of us. And we are exhausted nearly to the point of illness. Dal says he will spend some time just having my back and helping me think of recruiting ideas and building designs. He has decided he is staying with his guild for now but says he has them on probation. I think sometimes his mind is wasted on the simple life we lead. Anyway, I did find the time to conjure up what little magic I have in these hands to send Izzy a song. Spent a minute teasing Wey, Zandor would expect no different. And now spending what time it takes to make this entry. I am thinking maybe I should make Dal take care of it for a while longer. Then again, no. He writes so far over my head sometimes I have a hard time understanding what he’s talking about. Simple, dumb, warrior.

Wednesday, 04 June 2008
Now I am having trouble letting it go. Gar is right. I have grown and made a place for myself here. He says I can put entries in this journal any time I want, always could. I will take him up on that. For now I pass it back to his waiting hand.

Well, there is so much to say, so much has happened and continues to happen so quickly. I talked to Zandor late last eve and he told me someone I know had asked to join our fast growing group. I have not had a chance to talk to her but I am so very glad to have her aboard. I had finally found someone to give me adequate light and got a sack full of soul leach daggers that Zan had asked for. I guess the next thing to do is train to keep adding points to our count. And help Dal find a place to train. I do not remember having as much trouble at his level but he is quite perplexed. My mind reels with responsibilities and possibilities. Scary and invigorating at the same time.

Monday, 02 June 2008
Gar sits across the room, grinning. He is making me put in one more entry before he will agree to take the journal back. It has been a busy and eventful couple of days. I suppose, at the top of the list, I should mention that Gar and Izzy are speaking again. I would like to have gotten more graphic than that but Gar does not give details of his soirées. I am glad they appear to be back together. I like Isabelle and they make a good couple. I have to decide now whether I am staying with the guild she brought me into now that she left it. I believe I will. Because of my next topic actually. Gar set a fine example in staying loyal and devoted to his guild. He kept the faith when it appeared there was no faith to be had, and has been rewarded with the title of first officer. I am so proud and happy for him. He has said similar things about me so often I can not say how glad I am to be able to laud him for a change. So, with Zandor’s return our getaway was cut shorter than we had planned. I think I am ready to be back, and it worked out well for Gar. He says that he realized how very much he cared for Isabelle and how he could not see himself without her. I am glad for him, and glad I have not found myself in that position. I plan to stay unattached and fancy free for a good long time. I also want to mention, before I hand over the quill, my mentor and our good friend Celestia. Yes, I know, she prefers Cel. She has shown more love and concern for the two of us than anyone deserves. She always seems to check in on us just when we need it the most. Whether we are lost inside of our own empty head, or lost in thought with too much on our mind, her pokes always bring us back to earth. Just today, when everything seemed to be going Gar’s way and it was obvious he was pleased, he still seemed preoccupied and overwhelmed. Cel sent a bird and bugged him until he found her in Milltown and danced with her down the street. It was like the final piece of a marvelous puzzle and he seemed whole and almost full of himself after that. He did not want me to write that, he says if Izzy sees it she may be upset. I say, if she sees it she will be glad to know he has everything he needs to be a whole and happy person. I know I am.
Dal Windgust

Sunday, 01 June 2008
As we sat near the fire tonight, relaxing, a beat up and exhausted looking bird arrived with a message from our roguish little brother. Gar’s guild leader Zandor Kree was back in the lands after a long absence. I told Gar to go and he left me to pack up and carry camp back home. I have not heard from him, but assume he must be nearly there by now. Everything is packed but my bedroll and mug, and I will be heading for Valorn first thing in the morning. I would give almost anything for a tame Bos to carry some of this stuff. Hope to see you soon big brother, be safe and well.
Dal Windgust.




Zandor Kree
IK Wallace Nite
IK Purazon
Harmonia the Boisterous
Demon Queller Ferno Vlade
Pogumni the Fierce
IK Islander the Demon Slayer
Sir Thuk The Fierce

Favorite Weapon
Ethucan Imperial Spatha
and Ultimate Weapon of Courage.


....though my ship may sail from sight. It doesn't mean my jouney ends. It only means the river bends.


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